Easter Decor🌷

I wanted a light and airy feel for my entryway this Easter. I kind of get bored with the same look year after year, so I'm always changing how I decorate for the holidays. I have a constant need for change, which is why I love styling! I'm always finding a new home for something or repurposing my home decor around the house or saving it for another year. If I used decor on my mantle, I might move it to my console table, kitchen area or storage for another day!
Some may say that's alot of work to change things around constantly- and yes it can be, but it inspires creativity and I love that feeling!

Easter is a great time of year to decorate. First, it's springtime so it feels like the start of a new year with everything beginning to bloom and in some places the weather is starting to get warmer. Second, I love that you can choose to decorate in neutral colors like green and white, pastels or bright and bold colors! It's a beautiful time of year!

I was shopping at the Michaels store and came across this wooden window frame that had a green wreath and a little white bunny on it. I thought it would be perfect to go over the mirror in my entry way! Plus, I'm thinking I can take the white bunny off the wreath and save it for next year and use this window frame for my spring decor. Next Easter, I'll add the bunny back on and now I'll get 2 uses out of this cute window frame!

I knew I had white bunnies in my storage- so I decided on going with a neutral theme of green and white. It's simple and classy and I can keep a lot of the decor for Spring. After Easter, I'll put the bunnies away and I'll still be left with the same green and white theme which is perfect for Spring. It's really a win-win lol!!

I did need to pick up some green florals while I was @Michaels, because I wanted to put some greenery in my vases. Though, I have plenty of vases at home, I did come across this adorable white pitcher while I was shopping. I think it's made of tin because its super light-weight. I will definitely use this pitcher throughout my house for summer and fall too! It's simple and will pretty much compliment anything you put in it!

Anyway, I put some green and white bunnies and a white blanket on the table and voila- its finished! It's not overly decorated, but just enough to tell it's Easter! Hope your feeling inspired to decorate!!
