Hi there ; ) Thanks for stopping by! I’m excited to share my passion for styling home decor and hoping to give you some inspiration on making things look pretty 🤍
Just thought I’d share a-little about myself. I am a wife and mom of 2 children that I absolutely love adore and will do anything for, but at times can also drive me a little bananas- but who’s doesn't lol! My kids have a 7- year age difference in between them, which makes our interests and activities all different! I try to make family time special whenever I can. Especially, since we’re not always in the same place at the same time 🙃. Whether it’s game night, movie night or a trip to the pumpkin farm; I love creating memories that my kids will grow up and be thankful for- it’s definitely not easy and can be a struggle at times… but it makes us perfectly imperfect!! And I’m okay with that ; )
I can be a bit of a perfectionist and try my best in all that I do- sometimes it’s a win-win and sometimes it’s not. I make mistakes… learn and grow from them and try my best to do better the next time around. That’s all you can ask for in a person! I’m learning that expecting things to be perfect is a recipe for failure, so be prepared for the unexpected!
I think your never too old to try new things and to go with the flow in what life may bring your way (though I can be resistant at times) because change is inevitable and truly when one door closes another door opens (so cliche- lol) but true!
There are 4 things that help keep me balanced and happy in life. Not to say this works for everyone-but it does keep me grounded!
something to do- (work, exercise etc..)something to love- (yourself included)something to be thankful for- (can change daily)something to look forward to- (big or small) XOXO 💗